All cats were rescued, other than one who didn’t make it out of the house alive.
Some amazingly beautiful, affectionate and gorgeous cats have fallen on hard times and urgently need a new place to call home – as either a foster carer, or forever person.
Most of them are confident cats, not scaredy cats.
They are desexed, vaccinated and microchipped..
ADOPTED! Alicia – Gentle soul

Alicia isn’t one to steal the limelight or have a hissy fit. She likes to chill in the background, quietly observing people and cats. She is stunningly beautiful and, when in a quiet place, without other cats to compete with, she loves head scratches and has a very endearing trill.
She has the lot – cat friendly, dog friendly and child friendly. She will also be happy to be an only cat.
If you have a tall cat tower or furniture from which she can survey things, she will love you even more.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Black Beauty – Shy introvert

Extroverts might rule the world, but introverts can rule your heart.
Black Beauty is a shy, undemanding lady. She is happy to chill in the background, keeping to herself, and not demanding attention.
She would be an ideal cat for someone who:
- wishes to have a cat presence in their life
- wants to help a cat who has fallen on hard times
- wants some cat company for their cat, or
- believes that lap cats are overrated.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
Da Vinci – a work of art – UNAVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION

Da Vinci is a work of art. Sweet, gentle and loving.
His all time favourite thing in the world? Lying quietly on your lap, enjoying being loved.
He gets on purrfectly with other cats, especially his other special needs cat friend Oodles. He has also lived with dogs and children.
He will love you if you help him keep his fur schmick with occasional brushing.-
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
Medical notes |
Da Vinci is a delightful senior gentleman and is quite frail. He has been experiencing allergic rhinitis (like hayfever, probably due to living with many cats) and has had a nasal infection, which is being treated. He may have early kidney failure and is on a kidney diet. |

Gorgeous Bicheno has a tiny little rabbit tail instead of the usual cat tail, making him all the more adorable.
He’s great at keeping himself occupied, doing important cat things, while you get on with important people things.
He would love to be an only cat, where he can enjoy a quiet life without any hiss-trionics. He would also love to have access to a comfy outside enclosure for his cat daydreaming sessions.
He is dog friendly and child friendly.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Bondi – Shoulder rider

Lend me your shoulder and I will grace you with my fluffiness.
Bondi is a super affectionate cat who loves, loves, loves riding around on your shoulders, gently cradling your neck like a fluffy scarf, as you go about your work. Great for winter chills.
He also provides free grooming sessions, licking your skin with his tongue.
If you want a new best friend, Bondi could be it.
Such is Bondi’s love of shoulder riding that he will jump onto you from a distance – so he’s not suited to frail people or young children who might find this unnerving.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Brando – Gentle strutter
Super handsome Marlon Brando (Brando to his friends) has a bit of a strut, but he’s very gentle.
This sweet soul found himself living in the equivalent of a cat frat house – nightmare! He would prefer a quieter home with cats who aren’t in his face all the time.
He is super cuddly, confident, energetic and loves to do brave manly stuff, like sleeping in high places.
Going to the toilet will never be the same again – he will want to be with you!
He is dog-friendly and child-friendly.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Beau – Handsome pants

Beau by name, beau by nature.
Beau is a gentle cat who won’t force himself on you, but will lap up the affection you give to him. We like to think of him as a quiet achiever.
He is super handsome with the most stunning markings that you will make you want to while away the hours, just looking at and loving him.
He gets on well with other cats and will also be happy living as an only cat. He is used to living with dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
Gypsy Rose – Biscuit maker – UNAVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION

If your love tank is on the empty side, Gypsy Rose will fill it right up. She loves being adored and adoring her special human. Pick her up and she will start gently making biscuits on you. While you’re holding her, she will nuzzle her head into yours, reminding you that you’re not alone.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
St Francis – Blessings on offer – UNAVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION
Handsome St Francis has a worldly, quiet, confident energy about him – an old soul, if you like. We’re pretty sure he has been here before. He is wise and is far too mature for dramas. Once he knows you, he likes to have a bit of a chat.
We also wonder if he was a priest in a former life. He has been known to ‘bless’ people’s foreheads, gently making a cross on their forehead with his paw.
If you would like a special Tuxedo soul in your life, look no further than St Francis.
He gets on fine with other cats and will also be happy living as an only cat. He has also lived with dogs and children.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
Medical notes |
St Francis has had anaemia and is underweight. He is in early renal failure. We are working on building him up. |
Ember is a striking tabby and white lady who might well set your heart on fire.
She’s very affectionate and gets on beautifully with other cats, particularly if they’re ginger! She’s more than happy to be loved on by strangers.
She would like to be adopted with her ginger friend Holly.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Everest – Cuddler

Show me your lap and I will grace it with my fluffy beauty in seconds.
Stunning in his fluffy white coat, with a black fluffy tail and hint of black on his head, Everest is energetic, cuddly and will sleep under your chin if you let him. He will be more than happy to share his feline inspiration and good vibes with you while you work on the computer or watch TV.
He loves spending time looking at nature from his enclosure and would love to be able to continue his love of the great outdoors.
He gets on well with other cats, and also enjoys his own company. He is also dog and child friendly.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Holly – Calm redhead

Who says all ginger cats are male? Not this stunning redhead!
Gorgeous Holly is a treasure. She is calm, chilled and cuddly. Being a beautiful flower, she will respectfully lie next to you instead of smothering you with her fluff. She’s purrfectly find being loved on by a complete stranger.
Holly is very gentle and polite towards other cats – the more the merrier – and is also dog-friendly and child-friendly.
She would like to be adopted with xxx or into a home where there is another cat-friendly cat.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |

Bliss is super affectionate – a real ‘people cat’.
She will reach out to touch you with her paw if you’re near her; she’ll reach up and put her paws on your legs like a dog; she just reaches out for love. She has recently discovered the joy of boxes.
She is an incredibly sweet, affectionate lady. And is also stunningly beautiful! It’s hard to look past her stunning green eyes, her soft purr and her gorgeous fluffy coat of many colours. And she has a super sweet chirrup instead of a miaow.
Bliss gets on well with other cats, with dogs and with children. Purrfect!
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
Socrates – Deep thinker – UNAVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION

UPDATE: Sadly, Socrates had kidney issues. Despite intensive care at home and at hospital, he is no longer on earth and has been reunited with his brother Oodles.
Socrates is a special soul. He integrated beautifully with all cats in his foster home and continued to be a true gentleman right till the end. He packed a bit into his three months with us, learning to walk on a harness and lead and loving going for drives in the car.
So gentle and calm was he, that we would carry him into the clinic in our arms (with harness and lead on, of course!), instead of in a cat carrier.
We are fairly confident he is the first cat to go for a walk in his clinic’s new garden, even venturing into the ‘designated doggy poo’ area.
We are sorry your time with us was so short, Socrates. We hope you’re happy being back with your brother. xxx
Socrates is a deep thinker – reflective, quiet and undemanding.
When you’re busy, he will let you do what you need to do, looking at you with his stunning green eyes from his thoughtful soul. And when you’re not, he enjoys being loved, but won’t be too pushy and ‘in your face’.
He often looks like he is frowning, but we think it’s just his fur pattern.
He is gentle and respectful towards other cats and would also be OK on his own.
He gets on well with dogs and kids.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Jessamine – Adventurous sans hearing

Any deaf person will tell you that their life is just as rich and rewarding as someone who can hear.
And sweet Jessamine is no different. What she lacks in hearing, she makes up for with her acute eyesight and adventurous nature.
She loves trying new things, is very talkative and very cuddly.
She gets on well with cats, dogs and kids – and boxes!
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
Medical notes |
Jessamine is deaf. She gently sneezes regularly but this doesn’t seem to bother her. |
ADOPTED! Curtis and Mayfield – Love playing

Got a shiny, crackly toy? Bring it out and watch Curtis and Mayfield find their inner kitten.
These guys love playing and can make a game out of anything. After being given a Kong toy, they didn’t let it out of their paws for a day!
They are also very affectionate, lying on and next to you.
They are seeking a home where they can continue to share their brotherly love.
They get on well with other cats, as well as dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED – Sterling

Gorgeous grey tuxedo gentleman Sterling is, well, a gentleman. He’ll wait for you to approach him and invite him onto your lap instead of inviting himself. He will give you very gentle head butts while purring softly and loves chin scritches and rump rubs.
He’s a little camera shy!
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Imari – Faithful and loyal snuggler

Love biscuits? Love someone making biscuits on your body while you’re holding them?
Imari is your guy. He loves affection when it’s on offer and is also happy to let you do your thing when you’re busy.
With his stunning amber eyes and pretty tabby coat, Imari will shower you with his gentle love.
Pick him up and it won’t be long before he’s ever so gently kneading into you, purring softly in blissful contentment.
Imari is cat-friendly, dog-friendly and child-friendly. He will also be happy being an only cat – as long as he has an adoring human to dote on him.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Casanova – Handsome lover

Casanova is a lover not a fighter.
And doesn’t he know just how very handsome he is? When he lies down, he will often have one arm stretched out, just like a Playboy centrefold.
Casanova loves the great outdoors and would love to have access to a safe backyard or nice enclosure so he can commune with nature. He won’t say no to doing a bit of rodent control, either.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Zani – Gift from God

Sweet Zani (African for gift from God) is very talkative and gentle.
Zani has been a bit overwhelmed by living in a crowded cat house. He’s made his own space and quite enjoys solitude. He will shower you with love when it’s meal times.
He will be happy living on his own or with another gentle cat. He is fine with dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
NELSON HAS BEEN ADOPTED! Nelson and Mandela – Best friends

Lonely? You won’t be if you adopt Nelson and Mandela!
These gorgeous brothers love each other and love humans, too.
They are very calm, loving and super affectionate, without being too pushy. Lie down, and it won’t be long before you have one – or two – felines lying on you or with you.
They get on well with dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |

Ah, the stunning beauty of a fluffy tabby lad. And super affectionate to boot. When you’re sleeping, he will cuddle up to you and tuck right into you armpit, gently purring you to sleep. He loves being brushed and even loves tummy rubs!
Tashi is Tibetan for prosperity and good luck. We hope he brings this to the lucky person who adopts him.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Zac and Tex – Lap lovers

Oh my. Two stunningly gorgeous, fluffy, affectionate, smart, tabby and white brothers. Be still my beating heart.
Zac and Tex love each other and love people, too. They are confident with strangers and will be on any willing person’s lap within seconds.
These super smoochers need to stay together.
They get on well with other cats, as well as dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |

The stunning Azure is a gentle soul with beautiful blue eyes.
She is very gentle and waits for you to approach her for affection, rather than throwing herself on your lap. Once she moves into a less crowded house, she will be very happy.
She is undemanding, which is purrfectly fine – you can enjoy looking at her stunning beauty from a distance.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |
ADOPTED! Rockford – Ginger ninja

He could have been a baritone singer. In fact, we think he still is.
Rockford has a really deep voice – no squeaky miaow for him – and he loves using it when he wants to get your attention.
This gorgeous ginger ninja will happily snuggle into a complete stranger and gets on purrfectly with other cats. He has other ginger ninja friends who he enjoys cuddling with. He is also great with dogs and kids.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
RIP Oodles – Loving soul

Tragically, little Oodles’ body was too weak to continue. He left the earth on 1 March. We are very sorry you didn’t get to enjoy a new home and one-on-one lap time.
Oodles has oodles and oodles of love to give.
If you sit down, it won’t be long before he is on your lap, softly purring, eyes gently closed as he soaks up your love and showers you with his calm essence as well.
He loves being kissed and will stay on your lap for as long as you let him. He’s not in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything – just love him.
He is quiet and undemanding and will suit a quiet, gentle home.
He is used to living with dogs and children, but we would love for him to be the light of someone’s life, perhaps living with his friend Da Vinci.
Gender |
Male |
Age |
Microchip |
Medical notes |
Oodles has mild hyperthyroidism which has gone untreated. As a result, he is extremely underweight. He has now started treatment and we look forward to seeing this skinny guy get his buff back on. He may also have renal issues and is on a kidney diet. |
ADOPTED! Ariella – Super smoocher

Sweet gentle Ariella is a 24/7 cuddler. If she could, she’d ride around in your pocket, soaking up every ounce of love you can give her, and showering you with love in return.
She is very gentle, talkative and a super smoocher.
She is a little shy with other cats (they’re not always gentle like she is) and would be happy living on her own or with another gentle cat.
She is dog friendly and child friendly.
Gender |
Female |
Age |
Microchip |